When it comes to Web Push Notifications, we at PushMonkey, help our customers to be GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliant. This allows our users to unsubscribe from the push notifications they receive.
Here’s are the step-by-step instructions on how to unsubscribe from web push notifications for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari:
To unsubscribe from web push notifications sent by a particular website, please follow these steps in the Chrome browser:
- Go to Chrome preferences either from the menu or by entering “chrome://settings/” in the address bar and then press Enter.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the “Advanced” link.
- Under the “Privacy and security” section, search for “Site Settings“. It should be towards the bottom of the section. Click on it.
- On the new page look for “Notifications” and click on this item.
- You should now see a list of all websites that can send you to push notifications.
- Remove the unwanted websites by clicking on the 3 dots at the right side of that entry and then on “Remove“.
- Done.

To unsubscribe from web push notifications sent by a particular website, please follow these steps in the Firefox browser:
- Go to the Firefox preferences, either from the menu or by entering “about:preferences“ in the address bar and pressing Enter.
- From the menu on the left click on “Privacy & Security“.
- On this new page scroll down to the “Permissions” section and click on the “Setting” button at the right side of the “Notifications” row.
- You can either use the search field to find the website you wish or scroll through the list.
- Once the desired website is found, click on it so it becomes selected in blue, then click on “Remove Web Site“.
- Finally, click on “Save Changes“.

To unsubscribe from web push notifications sent by a particular website, please follow these steps in the Safari browser:
- Open the Preferences window either from the menu bar or by pressing “cmd + ,” .
- Click on the Websites item from the top and then select “Notifications” from the left side.
- Scroll through the list of websites until you have found the one you are looking for and click on it.
- After clicking on the website, click on the “Remove” button from the bottom left.