More push for your buck: The “cool update” sale!

In the past week, Push Monkey received several important updates. Apart from bug fixes and improvements, we’ve also pushed out 2 new features: 1. Filtering for custom post types – You can now exclude sending notifications for each custom post type configured on your website in addition to filtering by category for standard posts. 2. […]

New Feature: CTA banner for Mac users not using Safari

Considering that right now subscribing to Desktop Push Notifications is only possible via Safari, a lot of your Mac readers, even if they would want to subscribe, might never become aware of this option. Although Safari is installed on every Apple computer, globally 42% of people browsing the internet use Chrome and 16% use Firefox.

New Feature: Granular filtering for all custom post types

Up until our recent update, filtering the content on your website that is allowed to send out push notifications was only possible by category for the standard post type. With the latest version of Push Monkey, you can now also decide which custom post types send out notifications. You can also exclude all content under […]

7 tools to boost your content distribution and delivery

There are a lot of neat tools out there designed to help with content distribution or delivery.  Some of them we already knew, some we discovered while making Push Monkey.  Here’s a list of what we use and what we found interesting: Buffer – a great tool to create a publishing schedule for all you want […]

Mac Sales Graph - Push Monkey

More of your readers will be ready for Desktop Push Notifications

According to Apple’s last financial report, it shipped 5.5 million Macs last quarter. To give this some weight, that’s 1 million more than last year at a time when the PC market is generally shrinking. This trend means a lot more people will be using Macs by the end of this year and indirectly, more […]

Unexpected businesses adopting desktop push notifications

Hi there Madness, I’m Alex from Push Monkey. I’m writing because a common friend thought you might be interested in our service. We’re also writing because we’ve been following and experiencing the work that you do (literally) and we believe that our service could really boost your results.  We know how tough it is to […]

7 ways game devs can take advantage of Safari Push Notifications

If you are a game dev, especially mobile, you know that getting players to keep playing and coming back to the game is a big challenge. In order for players to come back and play, we usually try and catch their interest in various ways: New content or challenges New sales New events  going on New […]

1.2 million Safari Push Notifications for WordPress at an INSANE discount with Push Monkey

Hey all you WordPress loving cool content creating peeps.  Since Black Friday is coming along with tons of deals and sales we thought we’d add one more to the ever growing pile. That being said, on the 28th of November, we’re making our Sweet Spot plan even sweeter. How sweet? Well how does $1 per […]

Push Monkey is now available for download on WordPress

Starting today you can download and install the Push Monkey plugin directly from WordPress. Activate javascript to view banner ad created with tweenui <a href=””>html5 banner creator</a> We have already started work on the next features.  Our main focus is adding tools and options that will allow both the publisher and the reader to tailor […]


We’ve created a bunch of How-To videos to help you to get started with Push Monkey.

Check our YouTube channel